Young Women, Democracy and Empowerment Workshop
The Institute for Global Media, Democracy and Culture
July 23-25, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Chouaib Doukkali University
Université Chouaib Doukkali Avenue Jabran Khalil Jabran
Conference Room
El Jadida, Morocco
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Hassan II University
Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences Benmsik
Abdelwahed Khairi Room
Casablanca, Morocco
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Room 201, Formation Continue
International University of Rabat
Technopolis Rabat-Shore Rocade Rabat-Salé
Rabat, Morocco
11:00 am Welcome and Introductions
11:30 am Opening Remarks from Program/Host Committee
11:45 am Preview of the projects and initiatives of the Institute for Global Media, Democracy and Culture
12:00 pm Ground Rules and setting the right tone for the workshop!
General introduction on the general state/status of women and girls in Morocco and elsewhere
Country’s report/factsheet on gender equality and the health, education, employment, rights, and wellbeing and abuse of girls and women.
General overview of the theoretical concepts and debates on women, democracy and empowerment.
Relevant theories and concepts: Feminism, globalization, democracy
12:30 pm Brainstorming Activity:
Part I: Facilitators introduce and highlight their interests, expertise and experiences in relation to the topic and the objectives of the workshop.
Part II: Participants discuss their expectations for the workshop. Participants take the opportunity to share what they want highlighted on this global platform/workshop.
Brainstorming Session:
Some Topic Categories:
• Power and Empowerment in Various Forms
• Equity, justice and inclusion
• Women in Politics and Activism
• Reproductive Health
• Violence
• Leadership
• Equality
• Education
• (Social) Media and Technology
Food for thought: Challenges and Opportunities
• Movement building, organizing, and individual action—how to link the local and national to the global and vice versa.
• Best practices, learning, and collaboration.
• Advancing from women’s empowerment to achieving gender equality.
• Backlash: The unintended consequences facing the women’s movement in Morocco and around the world.
1:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm Group Work Activity: “Significant Issues”
Participants are divided into smaller groups and each group focuses on a specific topic that emerge from the brainstorming activity. Participants will analyze, discuss and decide, in groups, on specific issues, challenges and case studies.
Participants focus on 3 to 5 “Significant Issues” and struggles facing young women and girls in Morocco. Our model for significant issues will draw on the 17
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (plus 3). We are adding 3 more goals, making the total of target issues and goals 20. We are adding ‘violence, extremism, and global citizenship).
Each Group discusses their “Significant Issue.” Supporting data and statistics about will be provided to help guide and focus the discussion.
Each is expected to produce a short report about the issue, as well as two concrete plans of action, one short-term/immediate and the other long-term. Each group discusses the current state of the issue, the challenges and obstacles surrounding it, and develops a list of recommendations about it.
Groups Report to the Larger Group
Q & A /Discussion
3:00 pm Next Steps
Closing Remarks/Workshop Wrap-Up
3:30 pm Reception
Focus of Workshop:
Young Women and Youth Leadership Impact Campaigns
Towards a World Free of Poverty
The IGMDC works with young women and youth of all ages (18-30) to build leadership skills through an Empathy to Action experience in which participants connect problem solving for concrete social problems with global citizenship, social justice, robust democracy, media literacy, and 21st century skills.
Participants access and experience a toolkit for global citizenship and leadership skills transferrable to all aspects of family, school, life, and service. Participants also will gain the capacity to lead workshops, supporting others in accessing the same skills.
The Workshop will focus on several social issues. Here is a sample focus on the issue of poverty:
Phase I:
Building Empathy and Global Citizenship
Identifying Poverty
Analyzing Needs and Causes
Phase II:
Learning to Lead
Building a Vision
Acting as a Global Responsible Citizen
Phase III:
Overcoming Obstacles
Telling Your Story
Impacting Communities