IGAMD – The Institute for Global Arab Media and Democracy is an independent, non-governmental organization based in Chicago, USA, which supports and inspires projects with an interdisciplinary approach to study, understand and promote the development of democratic values, free and democratic media, and the role and impact of the media, culture and the arts in Morocco and the Middle East and North Africa more generally. Its activities cover three important areas: media, democracy, and culture.
IGMD will seek to accomplish its mission through a variety of media, cultural, artistic, educational programs, as well as civic involvement initiatives, particularly among the youth and women. We firmly believe that young people and women deserve more space and guidance to be active participants in the processes of media creation, cultural policy-making and exchange, and in the experience of substantive democracy and global citizenship.
Democratic Media
IGAMDC considers the media a key player in the process of democratization and global citizenship. That is why, we are committed to supporting free and democratic media programs, as well as projects that focus on debates about the democratic and social role that journalists and the media play in society and culture. The employment of new media technologies is now an integral component of any nation’s democratic development.
IGMD will ensure free access to democratic media through the development and creation of alternative media programs and shows. Media monitoring and support will be achieved with the help of development projects for local media and cultural organizations. Regular review and evaluation of traditional and new media and journalism will be conducted through, among other things, the analysis of the communication process: procedures, norms that relate to transparency and accountability, free access to information etc. on the one hand, and provision of counseling, services and expertise in the fields of media development and democracy in collaboration with specialized institutions, economic and professional operators, and public agencies, on the other hand.
The process of democratization, especially in emergent and struggling democracies demands the inclusion of diverse political actors and social groups, as well as the promotion of free, democratic media.
IGAMD is committed to promoting democratic values by acting as an think tank, encouraging open opinion polls and public debates on different aspects of policy-making both at the national and international level. We will organize regular conferences and workshop on issues about social and political democracy and about political participation and representation. These events are meant to stimulate the interest of the young generation in new forms of political participation, by using new media and emergent technologies in the service of reinforcing democracy and democratic citizenship in Morocco and the region today.
Culture and the Arts
IGAMD aims to support art, culture and cultural exchanges in all fields by nurturing cultural diversity and tolerance, standing as a meeting point between various cultures at the national and international levels.
In IGAMD’s vision, culture also plays a basic role in political debates regarding the reinforcement of political democracy and participation. That is why we will hold and organize regular cultural activities, music festivals, educational workshops, academic and research conferences that foster and promotes interethnic, intercultural and interfaith dialogue, gender equality and basic human rights. Moreover, IGAMD will seek to encourage and support youth cultures and women through a variety of new media (digital culture), film, art, music and other social/cultural projects.