Purchase Tickets for our Special Cultural Events HERE!
The Institute organizes and/or supports several events and activities throughout the year. Two of its spotlight events are the Annual Global Democratic Media and Culture Conference, the Morocco Nights of Chicago, and the Annual Global Arab Arts and Music Festival:
Annual Conference:
2019 Annual Global Media and Democracy Association Conference will be held in Chicago, USA during the month of March, 2019!
Morocco Nights of Chicago:
The IGAMD also supports and works closely with The Morocco Nights of Chicago series. This is a new quarterly series, organized by the IGMDC, in partnership with Alhambra Palace Chicago, featuring the diversity and complexity of Moroccan and Middle Eastern/North African cultures and societies through music, dance, performance, food, and the arts.
Annual Festivals:
2019 Annual Global Arab Arts and Music Festival will be held in Chicago, USA during the month of August, 2019!
Annual Symposium:
2018 First Annual Symposium on New Media, Politics and Democracy in Morocco and the Arab World Today, El Jadida, Morocco, July 31, 2018. Check HERE for more details.